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To preserve our freedom, we must teach its foundations

Published in the Orlando Sentinel, July 4, 2019

On Independence Day, Americans reflect on the opportunities and freedoms our country offers and the history that afforded America these blessings. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are essential to the fabric of our country. Yet, these blessings create a responsibility. This responsibility is borne by all Americans and is essential to fulfill in order for our freedoms to be passed on to the next generation.

Every American from Orlando to Los Angeles should have an understanding of our country’s history. We should know how our government works and how to effectively engage in our political and government processes.

Unfortunately, this emphasis on civics is not the norm for every American — and many Americans do not understand how their government really works.

A 2016 survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center found evidence of this, revealing only 26 percent of Americans could name all three branches of government. One in three could not name any branch of government. An even higher number of Americans — 37 percent — could not even name one right protected under the First Amendment.

This might sound surprising but it’s likely a substantial number of individuals reading this very paper fall into at least one of these camps. And this is unacceptable, for our very way of life is at stake.

Upon leaving the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government the men who would come to be known as our Founding Fathers had created. Franklin replied, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Franklin meant our founders had fashioned a government requiring a vigilant and informed people so the government could work for the people and allow society to better flourish.

Unsurprisingly, Franklin may have predicted our present situation. Right now, public trust in government hovers around 18 percent. Congress’ approval — along with many other institutions — remains at a record low. Congress has indeed been dysfunctional and rightfully undeserving of trust. Yet, if we believe in our country and our founders’ vision, we have a responsibility as Americans to improve our institutions if we are disapproving of them.

Posting on Facebook is inadequate. Yelling at the nightly news won’t help. Our founders envisioned an America whose citizens must engage in their society and participate directly with their government.

This is why we must encourage strong civics education nationwide, for both the young, middle-aged and old alike. For our students, this means strengthening our civics lessons. For everyone else, it requires a personal responsibility of continuous self-education and engagement.

On Florida’s East Coast we are lucky to be surrounded by history. Many of the world’s greatest explorers sailed our waters before colonizing here. The oldest city in the United States is in our backyard.

Florida students are required to take a Florida social studies class in elementary school, providing an early appreciation for learning the lessons of our ancestors. While many other states have fallen behind on civics programs, Florida has been recognized nationwide for ramping up the call for more exposure to civics, requiring these classes as well as a standardized test on the subject at an early age.

I’m glad Florida understands this need and hope other states will follow our example. But while Florida is leading the pack in civics education, there’s always room for improvement.

Some state lawmakers have proposed different ways to build upon our strong civics education here in Florida, and one of them includes passing the naturalization test. This is a requirement for all who wish to become citizens of our country -- and that same standard should apply to each of us well. I’m going to work in Congress to make the naturalization test a requirement for high school students nationwide.

Learning more about America’s history and the way our government functions is exciting — and it is necessary. It is incumbent upon each and every one of us to play an essential role in holding government accountable to ensure America works as our Founders intended.

Thomas Jefferson summed it up well: “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” Our American liberty defines our great nation. Let us each learn and do all we can to preserve it.