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Waltz, McCaul Demand Proof of Safety of PRC Tennis Player Peng Shuai; Condemn CCP

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Friday, U.S. Congressman Mike Waltz (FL-6) and Lead Republican of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Congressman Michael McCaul (TX-10) sent a letter to Ambassador Qin Gang demanding proof of the safety and wellbeing of Peng Shuai, a People’s Republic of China citizen and professional tennis player, after her disappearance following sexual assault allegations against a Chinse Communist Party (CCP) official. The letter demands an investigation into Peng’s allegations and condemns the CCP for its censorship of human rights abuses.  

Peng has not been seen for two weeks since coming forward with allegations of sexual assault against former Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Zhang Gaoli.

“The Chinese Communist Party has a long history of silencing its people, oppressing athletes, and coercing sports organizations at home and abroad,” said Rep. Waltz. “I, along with Rep. McCaul, am deeply concerned about the wellbeing of Peng Shuai and the weaponization of censorship we continue to see from the CCP. That’s why we are demanding a transparent investigation into Peng’s claims, proof of her whereabouts, and her immediate release.”

“The Chinese Communist Party has disappeared Peng Shuai, and is issuing false statements in her name because they know her story is a threat to their regime,” said Rep. McCaul. “It’s another reminder that their insecurity and cruelty knows no bounds. Peng should be freed and spared from further abuse by the CCP.”

Read the letter here: