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Waltz Statement on Puerto Rican Statehood Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Saturday, U.S. Congressman Mike Waltz (FL-6) released the following statement regarding legislation to grant Puerto Rico statehood:

I support the right of the Puerto Rican people to self-determine their own fate. Repeatedly, in past referendums, Puerto Ricans have overwhelmingly made their voices clear in supporting statehood.

The self-executing legislation rammed through the waning days of the 117th Congress is just another barrier to granting the people’s will, while setting a dangerous precedent if independence is chosen regarding citizenship rights, transfer of federal properties, and continued federal payments to another foreign nation, which I cannot support.

I am an original cosponsor of the Puerto Rico Admission Act which sets a clear and direct path to admit Puerto Rico as the 51st state and will continue to work with Rep. Gonzalez-Colon who has been a tireless champion for the island.