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Waltz Asks Pentagon to Audit JROTC Programs for CCP-linked Ownership

WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Tuesday, U.S. Congressman Mike Waltz sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin requesting the Department of Defense to survey all of its Army, Navy, and Air Force JROTC programs located at private schools across the country and whether those schools are owned by a subsidiary of a foreign company, and the name of the subsidiary of a foreign company.

The letter stems from examples of private schools in the United States that are owned by Chinese subsidiaries with links to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). These acquisitions could be a part of the CCP’s Belt & Road infrastructure and global influence initiative in the American education sector. 

“It’s incredibly concerning that there are American private schools owned by companies with strong ties to the Chinese Communist Party,” said Waltz. “From Florida to New York, there is clear evidence that the ownership of these schools are linked to our greatest adversary and it’s ridiculous that we are developing potential future military leaders through JROTC programs where the CCP could be shaping school curriculum and activities.”

In the letter to Secretary Austin, Rep. Waltz lists the Florida Preparatory Academy located in Melbourne, Florida that is owned by Newopen, USA. This company is a is a subsidiary of the Chongqing, China-based Newopen Group where its chairman, Zhou Dengguang, participated in the Chinese Entrepreneurs Association, sponsored by the CCP, and discussed the national strategic development layout, and superior resource cooperation with its Secretary General.  Florida Preparatory Academy has an Air Force JROTC program assigned to it.

Additionally, The New York Military Academy is owned by the Research Center on Natural Conservation, backed by a Chinese-based Fang Holdings Ltd.  Fang’s former CEO and currently its largest private shareholder, Mo Tianquan, was a delegate to the 2013 session of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a political advisory body convened by the CCP as part of its broader United Front work. The New York Military Academy has an Army JROTC program.

You can read the full letter below:

Dear Secretary Austin:

I write to you regarding the growing acquisition of American private schools by entities linked to the highest ranks of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  Many of these entities are controlled by members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), a body which maintains close ties between private sector wealth and the ruling party.  I am concerned that Department of Defense resources are being allocated to support these private schools that may undermine our national security interests.  

These acquisitions could be a part of the CCP’s Belt & Road infrastructure and global influence initiative in the American education sector.  It seems they are focused in acquiring schools in parts of the country with advanced technology industries. 

For example, Florida Preparatory Academy is located within the Space Coast Technology Corridor in Melbourne, Florida.  In 2017, Florida Preparatory Academy was purchased by Newopen USA.  This company is a subsidiary of the Chongqing, China-based Newopen Group.  In 2021, Zhou Dengguang, Newopen Group’s chairman, met with the Secretary General of the CCP-sponsored Chinese Entrepreneurs Association.  During this meeting, they discussed “the national strategic development layout and greater resource cooperation”.  Florida Preparatory Academy has an Air Force JROTC program assigned to it.

The New York Military Academy is located just 6 miles north of West Point. In 2015, the school was purchased by the Research Center on Natural Conservation, funded by Fang Holdings Ltd and controlled by Mo Tianquan.  In 2013, Mo Tianquan, was a delegate to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a political advisory body convened by the CCP as part of its broader United Front work.  The New York Military Academy has an Army JROTC program.

With the ongoing military recruitment crisis, I am concerned that any students we recruit into the service from these CCP-influenced schools will have a sympathetic view of China’s political and strategic aims.

To gain a broader understanding of the scope of this influence, and whether Department resources are inadvertently helping promote and support these schools, I request that the Department survey all of its JROTC, NJROTC, and AFJROTC programs located at private schools across the country and whether their schools are owned by a subsidiary of a foreign company, and the name of the subsidiary and foreign company.  I ask that this information be compiled and sent to my office as soon as possible in preparation for the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act.

Thank you for your kind attention to this request.