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Waltz, Moskowitz Introduce Bill to Protect Law Enforcement Access to Critical Equipment

Waltz, Moskowitz Introduce Bill to Protect Law Enforcement Access to Critical Equipment

Washington, D.C. – On Friday, U.S. Congressmen Mike Waltz (R-FL) and Jared Moskowitz (D-FL) introduced the bipartisan Lifesaving Gear for Police Act of 2024 to ensure that law enforcement agencies across the nation regain access to critical equipment under the Department of Defense 1033 Program necessary for search and rescue operations, emergency and natural disaster response efforts, and active shooter situations.

The Lifesaving Gear for Police Act of 2024 would:

  • Prohibit the enforcement of any regulation, rule, guidance, policy, or recommendation stemming from Executive Orders 13688 or 14074 that limits the sale, donation, or transfer of excess Department of Defense (DoD) property to state and local law enforcement agencies unless enacted into law by Congress.
  • Prohibit the use of federal funds to implement any regulations, rules, or policies from these Executive Orders unless specifically authorized by Congress.
  • Prevent any future Executive Orders that would similarly restrict law enforcement’s access to excess DoD equipment through the 1033 Program.
  • Establish requirements for reasonably and responsibly reissuing property recalled or seized under these Executive Orders to law enforcement agencies at no cost to the agencies.

“Our law enforcement officers put their lives on the line every day to protect us, and they deserve the best tools available to do their job safely and effectively,” said Rep. Waltz. “The Lifesaving Gear for Police Act of 2024 ensures that no executive order will ever again stand in the way of law enforcement receiving the equipment they need to protect themselves and our communities. It’s time to stand up for our police and ensure they have the resources they deserve.”

“When we send police officers to protect and serve, it is critical that we provide them with the appropriate resources to keep themselves and our communities safe,” said Rep. Moskowitz. “I’m pleased to work in a bipartisan manner with Congressman Waltz to show support for law enforcement and deliver the lifesaving gear they require.”

The Lifesaving Gear for Police Act of 2024 has already garnered strong support from law enforcement organizations:

Bill Prummell, President of the Florida Sheriffs Association and Charlotte County Sheriff praised the bill: “The Florida Sheriffs Association strongly supports the Lifesaving Gear for Police Act of 2024 and appreciates Congressman Waltz’s work in ensuring that life-saving equipment reaches local law enforcement. The 1033 program has been a vital resource, allowing law enforcement agencies across the nation to utilize equipment that aids in responding to active shooters, terror attacks, floods, and other critical situations. There is no logical reason to destroy this equipment when it can be used by sheriffs to keep their communities safe.”

Bill Johnson, Executive Director of the National Association of Police Organizations, also voiced his support: “Programs like the Department of Defense’s 1033 program and grant programs at the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security have been vital resources in allowing state and local law enforcement to acquire items used in search and rescue operations, disaster response, and active shooter situations that they otherwise would not be able to afford. The Lifesaving Gear for Police Act of 2024 would protect the ability of law enforcement agencies to acquire such equipment for the protection of their communities and their officers. We thank Congressman Waltz for his longstanding leadership on this issue and look forward to working with him to pass this important legislation.”

Jim Skinner, Chairman of the National Sheriffs Association Government Affairs Committee and Sheriff of Collin County, Texas also voiced his support for the bill, saying, “We appreciate Congressman Waltz’s efforts to defend the defenders. Allowing surplus DOD equipment to be used for Search and Rescue, and day-to-day law enforcement activities, helps make our communities safer.” 

The Lifesaving Gear for Police Act has also gained strong support from local sheriffs across Florida:

Mike Chitwood, Sheriff of Volusia County, said, “This bill is a common-sense, bipartisan approach to put excess equipment to good use. It saves money and cuts through the red tape that is only causing us to waste valuable resources. The tools available through this program can help local law enforcement protect our citizens, respond to natural disasters and critical incidents, and free up money for other urgent priorities that keep our communities safe.”

T.K. Waters, Sheriff of Duval County, said “Now more than ever, it's critical that state and local law enforcement have access to every lifesaving tool and resource possible. For that reason, I am proud to support the Lifesaving Gear for Police Act of 2024 and commend Congressman Waltz for fighting to help make our communities a safer place.”

Robert Hardwick, Sheriff of St. John’s County, said “The 1033 program has been a valuable resource for law enforcement agencies across the country and has aided in providing equipment to respond to natural disasters, search and rescue situations, active shooters, and other critical incidents. The Lifesaving Gear for Police Act of 2024 will ensure that needed equipment can continue to be utilized by local law enforcement agencies.”

Peyton Grinnell, Sheriff of Lake County, said, “Equipment obtained by way of this program has proven to be invaluable to state and local law enforcement agencies that response to search and rescue operations and disaster response. The Lake County Sheriff’s Office has benefited greatly in the past from equipment acquired through this program.”

Wayne Ivey, Sheriff of Brevard County, stated, “The Brevard County Sheriff’s Office has benefited from the 1033 program since 1996 when we received four OH 58 helicopters through the program. We strongly support the efforts of Rep. Mike Waltz to protect this valuable program through the Lifesaving Gear for Police Act.  Over the years we have received resources and support equipment to provide air operations for a significantly reduced cost to our community and citizens.”

Chip Simmons, Sheriff of Escambia County, said, “I join my fellow Sheriffs in supporting the Lifesaving Gear for Police Act. This Act will allow important equipment to be used by sheriffs to keep their communities safe. I appreciate Congressman Waltz’s work in ensuring that life-saving equipment reaches local law enforcement.”

Grady Judd, Sheriff of Polk County, Florida, said, “The burden on law enforcement agencies to acquire life-saving equipment is particularly troublesome given that many states and localities are grappling with serious budget shortfalls. The 1033 program has been a vital resource for local and state law enforcement agencies to acquire and utilize equipment to respond to active shooters, terror attacks, disaster response, and many other mission critical situations. The acquisition of life-saving military surplus equipment allows us to fulfill two missions: to protect law enforcement officers and to protect the community, which have always been my highest priorities.”

Chris Nocco, Sherriff of Pasco County, said, “The 1033 program has been a vital resource, allowing law enforcement agencies across the nation to utilize equipment that aids in responding to active shooters, terror attacks, disaster response and other critical situations. Without this important program, it is likely that many agencies would be unable to afford some or all of this critical equipment and that can often make a life-or-death difference.”