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Waltz Takes to House Floor to Raise Mental Health, Suicide Prevention Awareness

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  On Thursday, U.S. Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to discuss the importance of suicide prevention during Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.

Waltz reflected on his own experiences as a combat veteran dealing with post-traumatic stress and survivor’s guilt, encouraging veterans and all Americans to take the extra step and check in on their loved ones’ well-being during this difficult time.

“As a veteran, I’ve thought a lot about my experiences in battle during the past few months, with post-traumatic stress and survivor’s guilt. But this year, we’re all in a collective battle – and the frontlines look very different. We’re fighting against an invisible enemy: against COVID-19.

“We are forced to distance ourselves and to change our entire way of life. This isolation is causing anxiety, depression and sometimes takes us to even darker places with suicidal thoughts. September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and I’m teaming up with veteran group Mission Roll Call to raise awareness about suicide prevention, especially the 22 veterans per day we are currently losing.

“In combat, we are constantly checking on our brothers and sisters, to our left and our right. We have to do the same back home. So, I say to all veterans out there: Reach out. Ask your buddy how they’re doing. Share a memory. Let them know you’re thinking about them and that you have their back. Together, we are stronger. Together, we can win this fight.”

To watch Rep. Waltz’s full remarks, click here or below.